Hide IP Easy Full Patch

Hide IP Easy Full Patch

Dengan software Hide IP Easy 5 ini anda bisa menyembunyikan identitas IP asli anda dengan IP palsu yang sudah di sediakan oleh software ini, sehingga anda bisa berselancar didunia maya dengan lebih aman.
Hide IP Easy hide your real IP with a fake one, surf anonymously, prevent hackers from monitoring your activity, and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with the click of a button.

Hide my IP
hide ip
Hide IP Easy Key Features :Download Hide IP Easy Full Patch : http://adf.ly/LJ7wj
vMix HD Pro Full Crack

vMix HD Pro Full Crack

vMix is a new Software Video Mixer and Switcher that utilises the latest advances in computer hardware to provide live hd video mixing, a task previously only possible on expensive dedicated hardware mixers. vMix runs on the Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 platforms.Features include LIVE mixing and switching of SD and HD (up to 1080p) video sources including cameras, video files, DVDs, images and much much more.
vmix hd pro
vMix HD Pro 9 Features
  • Functionality will depend on what hardware is available, for example a Capture Device is required to utilise live camera sources.
  • Please visit our Supported Hardware page for an outline of what hardware is required.
  • Input Sources
  • Video Capture from HDMI, HD-SDI, SDI, Component, S-Video, Composite as supported by source up to 1080p at 30fps
  • DV/HDV Sources supported with delay
  • AVI, WMV, MPEG and QuickTime files
  • Video List (load multiple video files as a single input)
  • DVDs including menu navigation
  • High Quality CGI Titles with customisable text including Headline (lower two-thirds) and ScoreBoard templates
  • PowerPoint (static slides only)
  • Audio Files (MP3, WAV)
  • Audio Devices
  • Photos
  • Remote computer screen capture via Ethernet
  • Flash (SWF) and Flash Video (FLV)
  • RTMP Sources
  • WPF (Xaml)
  • Video Delay
  • Solid Colour
Live Video Mixing Effects
  • Cross Fade
  • Cut
  • 3D Zoom
  • Slide Effect
  • Wipe Effect
  • Colour Keying and Chroma Keying with Auto Green and Blue Screen
IMPORTANT: Windows XP and Vista users will need to install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
Home Page – http://www.vmix.com.au
Download vMix HD Pro Full Crack : http://adf.ly/L5Bjt
Accurate Accounting Enterprise v4.2.13.1385 Full Keygen

Accurate Accounting Enterprise v4.2.13.1385 Full Keygen

ACCURATE Enterprise Edition Ver. 4 mengalami lebih dari 100 perubahan, baik penambahan fitur baru maupun penyempurnaan dari yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Buat yang sudah request Accurate Accounting Enterprise v4.2.13.1385 Full Keygen, silahkan langsung di cek..
What’ s new in Accurate Accounting Enterprise v4 ?
  • Several changes and improvements are most important include:
  • Module manufacturing with Supply Chain Management function better.
  • Recurring transactions are now made easier because of a recurring transaction can be stored so it does not need to re-input and comes with a reminder.
  • A more comprehensive budgeting module.
  • Background page that is integrated with a web-based customer support and material knowlegebase CPSSoft online so much easier if there are users who require assistance.
  • Analysis reports can be customized and can be displayed in a graph or table that is easy to read.
  • Can open the database remotely via the Internet ( leased line).
  • PayGlobalOne.com integrated with payment gateway to accept payment and ease comes with Push Notification ( coming soon) .
  • Graph of financial statements can be accessed via tablet or smartphone ( coming soon).
  • Compared to other similar applications, ACCURATE Version 4 Enterprise Edition has an advantage:
accurate 4
Dibandingkan aplikasi sejenis lainnya, ACCURATE Versi 4 Enterprise Edition memiliki keunggulan:
1.    Lengkap
  • Mencakup fungsi produksi, Bill of Material (BOM), Work Order (WO), Work In Process (WIP) hingga Finishing Goods yang bersambung dan terintegrasi.
  • Fungsi penjualan, pembelian, inventory, dan keuangan.
  • General Ledger dengan realtime posting
2.    Fleksibel
  • Cocok diaplikasikan di pabrik untuk produksi massal maupun job order.
  • Finishing produk bisa dilakukan sekaligus atau bertahap.
  • Menggunakan database yang sama walaupun pabrik dan kantor berbeda lokasi (membutuhkan koneksi leased line / fiber optik).
3.    Mudah
  • Tersedia lebih dari 150 laporan finansial siap pakai dan laporan analisa yang bisa di-custom.
  • Laporan analisa bisa ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik maupun tabel yang mudah dibaca.
  • Grafik laporan keuangan bisa diakses melalui tablet atau smartphone.
Download Accurate Accounting Enterprise v4.2.13.1385 Full Keygen : http://adf.ly/Kzjny

Corel Draw X6 v16.1 Full Keygen

CorelDraw terbaru, support/compatible dengan windows 8.  Buat yang sudah request, silahkan langsung aja di cek Corel Draw X6 v16.1 Full Keygen nya ..
Di Dalam Corel Draw X6 sudah termasuk software :
  1. CorelDRAW® X6 : Intuitive vector illustration and page-layout application
  2. Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™ X6 : Professional image-editing application
  3. Corel® PowerTRACE™ X6 : Accurate bitmap-to-vector tracing tool
  4. Corel® Website Creator™ X6* : Powerful do-it-yourself website design software
  5. Corel CAPTURE™ X6 : imple one-click screen capture utility
  6. Corel® CONNECT™ X6 : Instant content finder
  7. PhotoZoom Pro 2** : Convenient PHOTO-PAINT plug-in to enlarge digital images
  8. ConceptShare™ : Interactive online collaboration tool

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6

Professional Graphic Design Software

  • Superior vector illustration & page layout
  • Versatile drawing and tracing tools
  • Professional photo-editing capabilities
  • Powerful website design software

Cara aktivasi CorelDraw X6 dengan Keygen :

    1. Disable antivirus dan koneksi internet anda.
    2. Install CorelDraw X6. Masukan serial number yang di hasilkan keygen. (Keygen jangan di close dulu).
    3. Ketika selesai instalasi, dan di tanya untuk akltivasi, klik yang “Other activation options”.
coreldraw x6
    1. Pilih yang “Phone Corel”. Masukan “installation code” yang di berikan CorelDraw X6 ke form instalation code di keygen.
    2. Maka akan menghasilkan “activation code”. Copy activation code tersebut ke form aktivasi coreldraw X6.
  1. Selesai, kini CorelDraw X6 anda sudah full version..!!
NB : Sebelum download, anda silahkan pilih mau download yang CorelDraw X6 32 bit atau 64bit, disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi komputer anda. Disini saya menggunakan CorelDraw X6 64bit.
Download Corel Draw X6 Installer : http://adf.ly/KZbu5
Download Corel Draw X6 v16.1 Keygen : http://adf.ly/KZbpO
Vigilante 8 for PC

Vigilante 8 for PC

Masih ingat dengan game ps1 yang satu ini “Vigilante 8” ?? Game ini nggak kalah popluer dengan CTR, salah satu game favorite saya juga waktu itu. Buat sobat blogger yang ingin bernostalgia memainkan game Vigilante 8 for PC ini, silahkan saja langsung di download.
Game Vigilante 8 for PC ini sudah berbentuk .exe, jadi langsung mainkan saja, sama seperti CTR, harvest moon dan tekken yang sudah pernah saya share sebelumnya.
vigilant 8 vigilant 8
NB : Jika pas di jalankan error, copy dan paste file d3dx9_26.dll ke folder C:\WINDOWS\system32

Download Vigilante 8 for PC : http://adf.ly/KJdTp
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

The .NET Framework 4.5 is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4. By using the .NET Framework 4.5 together with the C#, Visual Basic, or F# programming language, you can write Windows apps. The .NET Framework 4.5 includes significant language and framework enhancements for C#, Visual Basic, and F# (so that you can more easily write asynchronous code), the blending of control flow in synchronous code, a responsive UI, and web app scalability. The .NET Framework 4.5 adds substantial improvements to other functional areas such as ASP.NET, Managed Extensibility Framework, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, and Windows Identity Foundation. The .NET Framework 4.5 delivers better performance, reliability, and security.

System requirements

Supported operating systems: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2
    • Windows Vista SP2 (x86 and x64)
    • Windows 7 SP1 (x86 and x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x86 and x64)
  • Hardware Requirements:
Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Full Offline Installer : http://adf.ly/KBoVG
File & Image Uploader 6.48 Full

File & Image Uploader 6.48 Full

File & Image Uploader 6.48 merupkan aplikasi yang dapat memudahkan dan meningkatkan proses upload file dan gambar keberbagai macam situs file hosting seperti zippyshare, putlocker, datafileshot, sharebeast, dan masih banyak lagi.
  • The most comprehensive and the best program of its kind
  • Supports more than 600 servers (Czech and international)
  • Possibility to use premium accounts
  • Possibility of parallel uploading
  • Usually much faster then uploading via browser or original file-upload tool
  • No ads*, easy to use, multi-language environment
  • Technical assistance (possibility to add functions, servers at the request)
File image uploader
File & Image Uploader 6.4.8 Changes [28.02.2013]
  • [+] rapidvideo.com + account, lafiles.com + account
  • [+] todayfile.com + account, globalfile.co + account
  • [+] sharevid.co + account, cloudnes.com + account
  • [+] medofire.com + account, fileload.info + account
  • [+] junocloud.me + account, fourupload.com + account
  • [+] filedap.com + account, sanshare.com + account
  • [+] medofire.com + account
  • [*] mediafire.com, magnovideo.com, limelinx.com
  • [*] go4up.com, speedload.org
  •     new independent core
  •     has speed limiter
  •     better proxy support (SOCKS, HTTP)
  •     allows to bind to adapter/IP
  •     works in Linux in Wine
  •     alternative download location #1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/322825/FileUploader.exe
  •     alternative download location #2: http://z-o-o-m.eu/down/FileUploader.exe
  •     alternative download location #3: http://rapidshare.com/files/1986878103/FileUploader648.exe
  •     alternative download location #4: http://uploaded.to/folder/ndt8ah
  •     alternative download location #5: File & Image Uploader at BrotherSoft
Download File & Image Uploader 6.48 Full :
http://adf.ly/KBhSw (Zippyshare)
http://adf.ly/KBhXA (Putlocker)
HotSpot Shield Elite 2.78 Full Version

HotSpot Shield Elite 2.78 Full Version

Suka menggunakan jaringan wifi gratis di tempat-tempat umum?? Kadang kala, hotspot gratis tidak memberikan fasilitas kemanan yang memadai, sehingga bisa saja orang lain memata-matai aktivitas browsing kita di jaringan. Solusinya, mungkin anda bisa mencoba aplikasi yang satu ini, yakni HotSpot Shield Elite 2.78 Full Version.
HotSpot Shield Elite merupakan salah satu software yang bisa kita gunakan untuk melindungi koneksi internet kita, dengan cara mengenkripsi trafic datanya, sehingga aktivitas browsing kita pun menjadi lebih aman. Browser yang telah terintegrasi dengan software ini akan melakukan koneksi yang terenskripsi ke server HotSpot Shield, merubah semua trafik http menjadi https yang lebih aman. Dengan melaukan reroute trafik web dan memberikan ip address baru (proxy*) yang dihost oleh AnchorFree, Perusahaan ini memastikan bahwa trafik data anda aman dan tidak dapat dihack dengan serangan MITM (Man In The Middle) maupun network spoofing.
HotSpot Shield Elite 2.78
Key Benefits to using Hotspot Shield
  • Secure your web session, data, online shopping, and personal information online with HTTPS encryption.
  • Protect yourself from identity theft online.
  • Secure your IP address for your privacy online and anonymous surfing.
  • Access all content privately without censorship; bypass firewalls.
  • Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports and corporate offices.
  • VPN client works on both wireless and wired connections. Provides Unlimited Bandwidth.
  • Works on PC and Mac, including new operating systems (Windows 8 and Mountain Lion)
Hotspot Shield Elite 2.78 Features:
  • Guarded surfing the Internet shield HTTP encryption;
  • Lock up IP – label;
  • Access to the content of Lacework pages forfeit shadowing;
  • Protection inveigh espionage when connecting via Wi – Fi points repercussion hotels, airports and other   public places;
  • Data protection and privacy on the Internet.
  • Free and available;
  • Wee size and wieldy origin program;
  • Faculty to exercise the iPhone off-course having to moor client software on real, [8]
  • Interface consequence variegated languages;
  • Unlimited bandwidth;
  • Regular updates of the program;
  • Automatic selection of the optimal server for the connection;
HotSpot Shield sangat direkomendasikan untuk anda yang peduli dengan privasi dan anonymity dalam kegiatan berselancar sehari-hari. Dan juga mengamankan kegiatan anda dari mata-mata hacker dan kejahatan dunia maya. Dengan menggunakan HotSpot Shield Elite 2.78 kita juga bisa loh membuka situs-situs yang di blokir oleh “Internet Sehat”.
Cara Install HotSpot Shield Elite:
  1. Jalankan patch, kemudian ketik Y untuk memulai patch. Patch perlu di lakukan untuk memblokir akses ke situs iklan, banner, dll.
  2. Install aplikasi HotSpot Shield Elite 2.78 nya
  3. Selesai
NOTE : Jika patch tidak bisa, anda bisa menggunakan cara manual dengan cara mengedit file host yang berada di C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, tambahkan baris berikut ini : anchorfree.net rss2search.com techbrowsing.com box.anchorfree.net www.mefeedia.com www.anchorfree.net www.mefeedia.com
Download HotSpot Shield Elite 2.78 Full Version : http://adf.ly/JAju9
Smart Office 2 v2.1.4 APK

Smart Office 2 v2.1.4 APK

Smart Office 2 adalah salah satu aplikasi android yang dapat memudahkan kita dalam membuat atau mengedit file document Microsoft office seperti word, excel, power point, hingga file berformat pdf sekalipun. Dengan Smart Office 2 v2.1.4 kita bisa menyimpan file document kita ke layanan cluod seperti box, dropbox dan Google docs.
Create new documents from scratch. SmartOffice is the only office application that allows you to create documents using a FREE set of preloaded templates.
smart office
Smart Office 2 v2.1.4 Features :
  • View and edit major office documents.
  • Edit text directly in your document.
  • Export to PDF.
  • Print to thousands of wireless printers.
  • Choose fonts, colours, alignment, formatting, move images, and more.
  • Unique Document Info View.
  • Visually appealing Timeline View.
  • Send and receive email attachments.
  • Create and delete files in storage.
  • Recalculate spreadsheets and update charts with new formulae.
  • Zoom to any size from multiple-pages-on-screen, to huge.
  • Slide show presentation.
  • Cut and paste selections to the special scrap book and system clipboard.
  • Undo mistakes easily.
  • Reflow pages to fit screen or use full page layout.
  • Tablet user interface with easy dialogues.
  • Phone UI, with multi-touch or single touch gestures.
  • World’s first stereo 3D document viewing.
  • High performance loading and zooming.
  • Android 1.5 and later compatibility.
  • Search for text, and follow hypertext links.
  • Navigate easily to any page with convenient gestures.
  • Dropbox file sharing to cloud storage.
  • Google Docs file sharing for some files, beta
  • Email, SD card file access.
  • Create new documents from optional templates.
  • File browsing is convenient and fast.
  • Save correctly in original format without losing data.
File formats:
  • Microsoft Office: all versions since 1997:
  • Word, PowerPoint and Excel 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx (viewing and editing);
  • Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer, PDF Reader, Save as PDF;
  • JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP images; Vector WMF and EMF diagrams; plain text (viewing);
  • Print to Epson, HP, Xerox, Ricoh, Lexmark, Canon, Konica, Sharp, Oki, IBM, Toshiba, Samsung, Brother, Dell and many other wireless printers supporting HP PCL3GUI, PCL6, PCL5, Epson ESC/P-R, Samsung SPL.
Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
View documents in the following languages: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian.
What’s in this version: (Updated : Feb 13, 2013)
  • We now support Box.com Cloud drive integration and are compatible with the Box OneCloud service.
  • Improvements in Smart Office’s gesture User Interface with usability improvements for Galaxy S III and Nexus 4
  • Extended PDF Encryption Support (AES strong encryption)
  • Addition of a number of Excel Functions
  • Functionality improvements for format support and compatibility (Save Integrity) to Office documents
  • Support for JPEG 2000 (an image format type) that is embedded in PDF document
Required Android O/S : 1.5+
Download Smart Office 2 v2.1.4 APK  : http://adf.ly/J6bel
 Titanium Backup Pro APK

Titanium Backup Pro APK

Titanium Backup is the most powerful backup tool on Android, and then some. You can backup, restore, freeze (with Pro) your apps + data + Market links. This includes all protected apps & system apps, plus external data on your SD card. You can do 0-click batch & scheduled backups.

titanium backuppro

  • Multiple backups per app
  • 0-click batch restore
  • Multi-user support for some apps! (eg: games)
  • Batch verification
  • Backup apps without closing them!
  • Restore individual apps+data from CWM backups!
  • Restore individual apps+data from TWRP backups!
  • Hypershell speed
  • Migrate system data across different ROMs
  • Market Doctor (relink apps to Market)
  • “Destroy all Market links” feature
  • Apps freezer (incl. batch support)
  • Market “auto updating” manager
  • Convert user apps <=> system apps
  • Encryption
  • Unlimited schedules
  • Sync to/from Dropbox (manual/scheduled)
  • Sync to/from Box (manual/scheduled)
  • Sync to/from Google Drive (manual/scheduled)
  • Load/Save a Filter and use it in Widgets/Schedules
  • Protect backup against deletion
  • Send backup by e-mail
  • Backup→Verify→Un-install an app in one shot
  • Freeze/defrost/launch apps in a single click
  • CSV export any app DB (e-mail or Google Docs)
  • Brand the app with your name
  • Bloatware Melter (experimental)
  • Convert app data to/from faster WAL DB format
  • Dalvik cache cleaner
  • Integrate system app updates into ROM
  • Move apps into ROM
  • Integrate Dalvik cache system elements into ROM
What’s in this version : (Updated : Feb 10, 2013)
  • Added the ability to create custom labels directly from the “Assign labels” dialog.
  • Fixed failure with XML bookmark backup/restore with Chrome as stock browser (eg: Nexus 7).
  • Several UI tweaks.
  • Updated translations.
Required Android O/S : 1.6+
Download Titanium Backup Pro APK : http://adf.ly/J1Coy
Cara Mudah Bikin Lagu Karaoke dengan Hilangkan Suara Vokal

Cara Mudah Bikin Lagu Karaoke dengan Hilangkan Suara Vokal

Karaoke merupakan kegiatan yang menyenangkan bagi sebagian orang. Mereka mampu menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam hanya untuk melepaskan kepenatan dengan bernyanyi ria.  Hal itu membuat maraknya tempat karaoke bermunculan. Lantas pernah terpikirkah oleh Anda bagaimana cara membuat lagu biasa menjadi lagu dengan format karaoke? Nah, pada artikel ini penulis akan mengulas bagaimana cara mengubah lagu biasa menjadi lagu karaoke menggunakan Adobe Audition dan Audacity.
Lagu-lagu karaoke umumnya hanya terdapat musik tanpa adanya vokal yang mengiringi. Anda bisa memanfaatkan tool Vocal Remove yang ada di Adobe Audition untuk meminimalisir suara vokal yang ada pada sebuah lagu.
Berikut tutorial untuk menghilangkan suara vokal pada lagu menggunakan Adobe audition:
  1. Siapkan sebuah lagu yang ingin Anda ubah, kemudian buka Adobe Audition.
  2. Import lagu yang sudah disiapkan.
  3. Selanjutnya pilih Favorites > Vocal Remove.
  4. Save As dan beri nama serta ubah format audio sesuai keinginan Anda.
Catatan : Jika setelah proses Vocal Remove suara yang dihasilkan kurang keras, Anda dapat memilih Effects > Normalize > ubah menjadi lebih besar dari 100%.
Berikut tutorial meminimalisir suara vokal menggunakan Audacity:
  1. Siapkan sebuah lagu yang ingin Anda ubah, kemudian buka Audacity. (Download di bawah)
  2. Import lagu yang sudah disiapkan.
  3. Selanjutnya pilih Effect > Vocal Remover(for centered-panned vocal)
  4. Simpan dengan cara pilih File > Export dan beri nama sesuai keinginan serta pilih format audio sesuai keinginan.
Catatan : Suara yang dihasilkan setelah proses Vocal Remove pada Audacity tidak menghapus semua suara vokal namun akan lebih kecil dari suara asli.
Sumber : http://inet.detik.com/read/2013/02/12/103735/2167594/510/audacity.sourceforge.net
Download Audacity : http://adf.ly/Izko7
Connectify Hotspot Dispatch Pro Full Serial Patch

Connectify Hotspot Dispatch Pro Full Serial Patch

Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, Connectify Hotspot PRO merupakan aplikasi yang dapat memudahkan kita membuat sebuah hotspot dengan mudah hanya menggunakan sebuah laptop yang memiliki adapter wifi tanpa adanya perangkat keras tambahan. Saat ini connectify hadir dengan sebuah fitur yang dapat menggabungkan beberapa koneksi internet (Connectify Hotspot Dispatch Pro), sehingga dapat meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi internet kita.

Connectify Dispatch

Dispatch is a software load balancer that allows you to connect to multiple Internet connections for their combined speed and reliability. With just a couple clicks, you’ll be cruising the web at warp speed.
Connectify PRO 4
Cara aktivasi Connectify Hotspot Dispatch Pro 4.2:
  1. Intstall Connectify 4.2 nya
  2. Disconnect internet, masukan serial nya.
  3. Edit file host yang berada di “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc” kemudian tambahkan “ updates.connectify.me” (tanpa tanda kutip) | CARA MANUAL
  4. Jalankan patch-con.exe | CARA OTOMATIS */pilih salah satu aja caranya manual apa otomatis
  5. Selesai
Connectify Hotspot Dispatch Pro 4.2Full Serial Patch :
http://adf.ly/J0tO8  |  http://adf.ly/J0uXR
Connectify Hotspot Dispatch Pro 4.2 Serial & Patch Only :
Football Manager Handheld 2013 v4.1 APK

Football Manager Handheld 2013 v4.1 APK

Football Manager Handheld™ 2013 puts you in the hot-seat and allows you to put your managerial skills to the test wherever, whenever and however you want. Download Football Manager Handheld 2013 v4.1 APK ,,,
football manager

Football Manager Handheld 2013 Features:
  • Fully up-to-date league/player/competition data to football season 2012/13.
  • Player photos now included for licensed leagues.
  • New playable leagues – Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland.
  • Player comparison & form updates.
  • Media / news / match improvements.
  • The 14 countries with playable leagues in Football Manager Handheld for Android are Australia, Belgium, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Spain and Wales.
  • The game can be played in four languages; English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Football Manager Handheld for Android has been designed for Android devices using OS 2.2 and above (please check on the Google Play store for a full list of compatible devices). For further information please go to www.sigames.com or www.footballmanager.com
What’s in this version: (Updated : Feb 11, 2012)
  • Enabled support for Nexus 10 and other high res devices
  • Enabled support for Versus 7 Touchpad 9 and family devices
Required Android O/S : 2.2+
NB : Download data via wifi, size kecil dan cepat.
Download Football Manager Handheld 2013 v4.1 APK : http://adf.ly/Iy5Rh
Earth And Legend v2.0.5 APK

Earth And Legend v2.0.5 APK

Earth And Legend features multiplayer mode as well as single player. Team up with a friend and experience co-op multiplayer. The multiplayer system allows players to tag team creatures and fight alongside each other while solving quests
earth n legend
  • XPERIA PLAY Optimized [PlayStation Phone support]
  • Customize your character’s race and gender
  • Prepare for battle with a variety of weapons, armor and items to choose from
  • 100% free roaming. Go anywhere at anytime
  • Shop for food or go fishing and catch it yourself
  • Full 3D freedom of movement plus 360 degree swimming
  • Camera panning and tilting with sensitivity control
  • Detailed side quests and challenging bosses to defeat
  • Balanced economy system. Visit shops. Buy and sell items
  • Right and left-handed joystick option
  • Customizable hot keys. Arrange skills in any order
  • 3 slots for multiple saved games
  • Multiple languages: English, French, and German
earth n legend
What’s in this version : (Updated : Feb 10, 2013)
  • Multiplayer upgrade + emotes
  • Fight bosses in multiplayer
  • Bugs fixed
The most advanced full-scaled multiplayer 3D RPG for Android has arrived in HD!
INFO : Game sudah saya coba dan berjalan dengan baik di Galaxy S3 (No need data)
Download Earth And Legend v2.0.5 APK : http://adf.ly/Ixy5C
RegCure PRO 3.1.3 Full Patch

RegCure PRO 3.1.3 Full Patch

RegCure PRO adalah salah satu aplikasi yang dapat memperbaiki error pada registry, membersihan registry windows dan melakukan optimasi PC. RegCure PRO 3.1.3 menurut informasi yang saya dapatkan juga bisa mengatasi masalah error “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b). Close application bla,,bla,,”. Kalau begitu, silahkan langsung di cek RegCure PRO 3.1.3 Full Patch nya.
RegCure Pro has bonus tools to:
  • Optimize memory by defragmenting
  • Improve startup times by managing processes launches at boot up
  • Disable unwanted Browser Helper Objects that can slow down your browser.
  • Find the programs you need to open file extensions DOC, DOCX, PDF, XLS, XLSX, JPG, JPEG, TIF, ZIP, 7Z, GZ, RAR and many more
  • Stop unwanted processes to help your PC operate more efficiently
  • Manage restore points to establish a known working backup as well as to save disk space.
RegCure PRO

Key features of RegCure Pro:

  • Cleans away Windows registry errors
  • Ejects active viruses, spyware and other malware
  • Stops unneeded processes and startup items
  • Deletes privacy files that could contain confidential info
  • Find software to open files
  • And much more!

RegCure Pro Operating System Requirements

Windows 8 64-bit
  • 2 GB Memory (RAM)
  • 1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows 8 32-bit
  • 1 GB Memory (RAM)
  • 1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows 7 64-bit
  • 2 GB Memory (RAM)
  • 1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows 7 32-bit
  • 1 GB Memory (RAM)
  • 1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows Vista 32-bit
  • Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate
  • Service Pack 2
  • 1 GB Memory (RAM)
  • 1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows Vista 32-bit
  • Home Basic
  • Service Pack 2
  • 512 MB Memory (RAM)
  • 800 MHz Processor Speed
Windows XP 32-bit
  • Service Pack 3
  • 256 MB Memory (RAM)
  • 300 MHz Processor Speed
RegCure Pro is compatible with the Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit operating system.
Download RegCure PRO 3.1.3 Full Patch : http://adf.ly/JoaR1
WiFi Mouse HD v1.7.1 APK

WiFi Mouse HD v1.7.1 APK

WiFi Mouse HD v1.7.1 APK adalah aplikasi yang bisa mengubah hp  android anda layaknya sebuah mouse wireless. Dengan WiFi Mouse HD anda bisa mengendalikan komputer atau laptop anda hanya dari sebuah perangkat android.
WiFi Mouse supports speech-to-text as well as multi-finger trackpad gestures. WiFi Mouse enables you to control your PC, MAC or HTPC effortlessly through a local network connection.
wifi mouse
WiFi Mouse HD v1.7 Features:
  • Mouse curser movement
  • left and right click support
  • Middle mouse button scroll
  • Remote keyboard input
  • Speech-to-text input for all languages
  • Mouse & keyboard full screen
  • Auto-connect on application startup
  • Compatible with XP/Windows Vista/ Windows 7 / Mac OSX
  • Tap-to-click
  • Two finger tap for right click
  • Two finger scroll
  • Pinch to zoom
  • Three finger drag or highlight
  • Four finger swipe down to show desktop
  • Four finger swipe up to maximise current window
  • Four finger swipe sideways to change current window focus
  • Left handed mouse support (swap left and right mouse click)
What’s in this version : (Updated : Feb 19, 2013)
  • Fix mouse middle button don’t scroll.
Required Android O/S : 2.1+
NB : Untuk menggunakan aplikasi WiFi Mouse HD ini, anda harus menginstall software Mouse Server di komputer/laptop anda. Jika tidak WiFi Mouse HD tidak berkerja, coba non aktifkan firewall anda terlebih dulu.
Download WiFi Mouse HD v1.7.1 APK : http://adf.ly/JXVUm
Download Mouse Server Windows : http://adf.ly/K5Bn3
Google Chrome Offline Installer

Google Chrome Offline Installer

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akn share aplikasi  Google Chrome Offline Installer. Chrome adalah salah satu web browser yang cepat, sederhana, dan aman, khusus dibuat untuk web modern. Chrome dirancang agar bekerja secepat mungkin. Dimulai dengan cepat dari desktop Anda, memuat laman web dalam sekejap, dan menjalankan aplikasi web yang rumit secepat kilat.

Google Chrome tidak hanya dibuat agar menjadi lebih cepat, tetapi juga agar Anda dapat mengontrol informasi pribadi sembari melindungi informasi yang Anda bagikan saat online. Support OS : Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
Download Google Chrome Offline Installer : http://adf.ly/Jes5Z

CCleaner Pro Busines Edition 3.27.1900 Full Crack Serial

CCleaner adalah salah satu software yang mungkin wajib ada di komputer sobat blogger,karena CCleaner dapat membersihkan sisa-sisa file yang sudah tidak terpakai, bisa juga memperbaiki registry eror, membersihkan histories cookies pada setiap browser, seperti mozilla, opera, IE, chrome dll. Hasilnya komputer anda akan terasa lebih cepat dan terjaga performanya.
CCleaner Pro Busines v3.27.1900 (24 Jan 2013)
  • Added cleaning for Internet Explorer Metro Cache.
  • Added cleaning for Internet Explorer Metro History.
  • Added Google Chrome v24 support.
  • Improved Firefox compatibility on v17 and newer.
  • Improved Google Chrome extension compatibility.
  • Improved Unicode text support.
  • Added Burmese translation.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.
ccleaner pro
Cleans all areas of your Computer
  • Internet Explorer : Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
  • Firefox : Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
  • Google Chrome : Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
  • Opera : Temporary files, history, cookies.
  • Safari : Temporary files, history, cookies, form history.
  • Windows : Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
  • Registry Cleaner : Advanced features to remove unused and old registry entries.
System Requirements
Runs on Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Download CCleaner Pro Busines Edition 3.27.1900 Full Crack Serial : http://adf.ly/JWhvO
Download CCLeaner Serial & Crack Only : http://adf.ly/JWkNA
iGame Capture Pro Full Serial

iGame Capture Pro Full Serial

iGame Capture Pro Promerupakan aplikasi yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengambil gambar tampilan (capture) dalam permaianan game. Selain dapat mengambil tampilan dalam game, iGame Capture Pro juga bisa merekam permainan dan menampilkan informasi CPU, Memory Usage, Suhu CPU, Kecepatan Fan, dll.
iGame Capture is a excellent recording game realtime video,audio and screen capture tool for Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8. It allows player to capture the game using DirectX or OpenGL Technology.iGame Capture can capture realtime game video and shot screen.iGame capture can show how many Frames Per Second (FPS) you are getting in a corner of your screen.

iGame Capture Pro
iGame Capture save video into MP4,AVI,MPG or FLV file for convenience shared them. Support OS :
Download iGame Capture Pro Full Serial: http://adf.ly/JJiwm
InstaWeather PRO v1.0.8 APK

InstaWeather PRO v1.0.8 APK

InstaWeather PRO aplikasi untuk berbagi informasi cuaca di lokasi kita berada, tentu dengan tampilan yang menarik, yang nantinya bisa kita share ke situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook, twitter, instagram, dll.
InstaWeather PRO is full of features:
You can easily choose your favourite skin from 15 available with various weather data: from current temperature and simple info about the location to very detailed forecast with air pressure, temperature, rain, wind power and direction.

InstaWeather pro
InstaWeather PRO is full of features:
  • You can easily choose your favourite skin from 15 available with various weather data: from current temperature and simple info about the location to very detailed forecast with air pressure, temperature, rain, wind power and direction.
  • You can also choose the period of the displayed forecast: today, next few days or a whole week.
  • It works with Celsius & Fahrenheit, kilometres, miles and many others.
What’s in this version : (Updated : Feb 15, 2013)
  • time stamp
  • auto save while share
  • added hashtags
  • fixed possible bug when loading photo without EXIF data
  • “use english only” mode
Required Android O/S : 2.2+
Download InstaWeather PRO v1.0.8 APK : http://adf.ly/JG1qG
Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Full Keygen

Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Full Keygen

Macromedia Flash Professional 8 (sekarang bernama adobe flash) adalah salah satu perangkat lunak komputer yang digunakan untuk membuat gambar vektor maupun animasi gambar tersebut. Berkas yang dihasilkan dari perangkat lunak ini mempunyai file extension .swf dan dapat diputar di penjelajah web yang telah dipasangi Adobe Flash Player. Flash menggunakan bahasa pemrograman bernama ActionScript yang muncul pertama kalinya pada Flash 5 (Sumber : Wikipedia).
Sebelum tahun 2005, Flash dirilis oleh Macromedia. Flash 1.0 diluncurkan pada tahun 1996 setelah Macromedia membeli program animasi vektor bernama FutureSplash. Versi terakhir yang diluncurkan di pasaran dengan menggunakan nama ‘Macromedia’ adalah Macromedia Flash 8. Pada tanggal 3 Desember 2005 Adobe Systems mengakuisisi Macromedia dan seluruh produknya, sehingga nama Macromedia Flash berubah menjadi Adobe Flash.
Flash 8
Meskipun sudah terbilang usang (jadul), tapi Macromedia Flash Professional 8 ini masih banyak di cari loh sob, terbukti dengan beberapa request yang masuk ke inbox email saya. Buat yang sudah request Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Full Keygen, silahkan langsung di download. Download Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Full Keygen : http://adf.ly/KOB6j
Vigilante 8 for PC Vigilante 8 for PC

Vigilante 8 for PC Vigilante 8 for PC

Masih ingat dengan game ps1 yang satu ini “Vigilante 8” ?? Game ini nggak kalah popluer dengan CTR, salah satu game favorite saya juga waktu itu. Buat sobat blogger yang ingin bernostalgia memainkan game Vigilante 8 for PC ini, silahkan saja langsung di download.
Game Vigilante 8 for PC ini sudah berbentuk .exe, jadi langsung mainkan saja, sama seperti CTR, harvest moon dan tekken yang sudah pernah saya share sebelumnya.
vigilant 8 vigilant 8
NB : Jika pas di jalankan error, copy dan paste file d3dx9_26.dll ke folder C:\WINDOWS\system32

Download Vigilante 8 for PC : http://adf.ly/KJdTp
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

The .NET Framework 4.5 is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4. By using the .NET Framework 4.5 together with the C#, Visual Basic, or F# programming language, you can write Windows apps. The .NET Framework 4.5 includes significant language and framework enhancements for C#, Visual Basic, and F# (so that you can more easily write asynchronous code), the blending of control flow in synchronous code, a responsive UI, and web app scalability. The .NET Framework 4.5 adds substantial improvements to other functional areas such as ASP.NET, Managed Extensibility Framework, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, and Windows Identity Foundation. The .NET Framework 4.5 delivers better performance, reliability, and security.

System requirements

Supported operating systems: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2
    • Windows Vista SP2 (x86 and x64)
    • Windows 7 SP1 (x86 and x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x86 and x64)
  • Hardware Requirements:
Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Full Offline Installer : http://adf.ly/KBoVG
File & Image Uploader 6.48 Full

File & Image Uploader 6.48 Full

File & Image Uploader 6.48 merupkan aplikasi yang dapat memudahkan dan meningkatkan proses upload file dan gambar keberbagai macam situs file hosting seperti zippyshare, putlocker, datafileshot, sharebeast, dan masih banyak lagi.
  • The most comprehensive and the best program of its kind
  • Supports more than 600 servers (Czech and international)
  • Possibility to use premium accounts
  • Possibility of parallel uploading
  • Usually much faster then uploading via browser or original file-upload tool
  • No ads*, easy to use, multi-language environment
  • Technical assistance (possibility to add functions, servers at the request)
File image uploader
File & Image Uploader 6.4.8 Changes [28.02.2013]
  • [+] rapidvideo.com + account, lafiles.com + account
  • [+] todayfile.com + account, globalfile.co + account
  • [+] sharevid.co + account, cloudnes.com + account
  • [+] medofire.com + account, fileload.info + account
  • [+] junocloud.me + account, fourupload.com + account
  • [+] filedap.com + account, sanshare.com + account
  • [+] medofire.com + account
  • [*] mediafire.com, magnovideo.com, limelinx.com
  • [*] go4up.com, speedload.org
  •     new independent core
  •     has speed limiter
  •     better proxy support (SOCKS, HTTP)
  •     allows to bind to adapter/IP
  •     works in Linux in Wine
  •     alternative download location #1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/322825/FileUploader.exe
  •     alternative download location #2: http://z-o-o-m.eu/down/FileUploader.exe
  •     alternative download location #3: http://rapidshare.com/files/1986878103/FileUploader648.exe
  •     alternative download location #4: http://uploaded.to/folder/ndt8ah
  •     alternative download location #5: File & Image Uploader at BrotherSoft
Download File & Image Uploader 6.48 Full :
http://adf.ly/KBhSw (Zippyshare)
http://adf.ly/KBhXA (Putlocker)
Photoshop Touch for phone v1.0.0 APK

Photoshop Touch for phone v1.0.0 APK

Photoshop Touch kini hadir khusus untuk smartphone android, membawa fitur photoshop tablet untuk kemudahan anda dalam melakukan pengeditan photo ataupun gambar.
Transform your images with core Photoshop features. Combine images, apply professional effects, and share results with friends and family through Facebook and Twitter — all from the convenience of your phone. Enjoy most of the same features as the tablet version:
photoshop android

  • Use popular Photoshop features, such as layers, selection tools, adjustments, and filters, to create mind-blowing images.
  • Improve your photos using classic Photoshop features to bring out the best in your photography. Apply precise tone and color adjustments to your entire composition, a particular layer, or a select area.
  • Create something other-worldly using painting effects, filter brushes, and so much more. With Photoshop Touch, the creative possibilities are endless.
  • Make your images pop with graphical text. Apply strokes, add drop shadows and fades, and more.
  • Take advantage of your device’s camera to fill an area on a layer with the unique Camera Fill feature.
  • Quickly combine images together. Select part of an image to extract just by scribbling with the Scribble Selection tool. With the Refine Edge feature, use your fingertip to easily capture hard-to-select image elements, like hair.
  • Start a project on your phone and finish it on your tablet* or back in Photoshop** at your desk using a free membership to Adobe Creative Cloud™.*** Your projects are automatically synced between your devices.
  • Free membership to Creative Cloud provides 2GB of cloud storage.
  • Work on high-resolution images while maintaining the highest image quality. Images up to 12 megapixels are supported.
Required Android O/S : 4.0+
Download Photoshop Touch for phone v1.0.0 APK : http://adf.ly/K2zHo
Ultimate Guitar Tabs & Chords v1.8.7 APK

Ultimate Guitar Tabs & Chords v1.8.7 APK

Ultimate Guitar Tabs is an easy and convenient application for viewing guitar Tablatures, bass Tablatures, drum Tablatures and chords. This is the only mobile application giving you UNLIMITED access to the world’s largest database of Tabs from Ultimate-Guitar.com!
ultimate guitar
Main features:
  • Quick Search. Find Tabs quickly by entering artist name or song title.
  • Favorites. Add Tabs to your Favorites to make them available for offline browsing. Synchronize Tabs between the app and your online account!
  • Advanced Search tool. You can search for Tabs by specifying Tab type, part of the song, difficulty level, tuning, and rating.
  • UG Authorization. Sign in with your Ultimate Guitar account, or create a new one directly from the app.
  • Playlists. Create custom lists of Tabs in your Favorites.
  • Chords. View chord diagrams while reading Chords, transpose chords easily.
  • Tab Packs. Collections of pre-selected Tabs. Tab Packs are based on skills level, music genres, and special occasions.
  • Top 100 Tabs list for each Tab type (Guitar, Bass, Chords, Drums or overall).
  • Auto-scroll feature. View Tablature in the text viewer using the handy Auto-Scroll functionality – The App will scroll Tabs for you!
  • Changeable fonts. Pick what font to use for displaying Tabs’ content.
  • Random Tab. Load Tab for a random song.
  • Now playing. Find Tabs for the currently playing song (needs to be technically supported by the device).
  • Portrait and Landscape modes are available. You can scale Tabs too.
Tab Pro* includes:
  • Supports the Tab Pro format, similar to Guitar Pro and Power Tab.
  • Huge Database. A thorough database with over 150,000 Tabs.
  • Playback. Instantly playback tabs with real-sounding instruments.
  • Multitrack. Audio mixing is in your hands, change volume on any instrument.
  • Chords. Shown above the corresponding beats for optimum visual cues.
  • Fretboard display. Get the perfect view of the notes’ placement on each fret.
You will get access to Tabs in the Tab Pro format from the app’s regular search results after making the in-app purchase.
Tab Tools includes:
  • Fit To Screen” feature, which makes tabs easier to read on your device
  • Font customization capability
  • Print function available (for Cloud Print-compatible devices)
  • Email – send tabs by email with just one tap.
  • Copying to clipboard
What’s in this version : (Updated : Feb 28, 2013)
  • Easier Favorites backup and sync – sign in with Ultimate Guitar account to backup Favorites to never lose them and sync between all your devices
  • Each tab now has contributor’s name, version and individual rating. You can rate tabs right within the app now too!
  • App Tour to familiarize you with the main features of the app
  • Transpose level is now displayed on the tab printout (if different from original)
  • Loop feature added to Tab Pro in-app
Required Android O/S : 1.6+
Download Ultimate Guitar Tabs & Chords v1.8.7 APK: http://adf.ly/K2pBP

PESEdit.com PES 2013 Patch 3.1 + FIX 3.1.1

PESEdit.com PES 2013 sudah merilis versi yang terbaru lagi, yakni PESEdit.com PES 2013 Patch 3.1. Buat penggemar PES 2013 tentu jangan sampai terlewatkan,  karena maen PES tanpa patch terbaru, itu ibarat sayur tanpa garam. Hehehe
File PESEdit.com PES 2013 Patch 3.1 + FIX 3.1.1 saya simpan di google drive, jadi linknya sangat bersahabat sekali, full speed dan bisa di resume.
PESEdit.com PES 2013 Patch 3.1 NEW FEATURES
  • New boots: adidas adiZero, Predator LZ, adiPure
  • 30 + new faces (including Amrabat, Muslera (Galatasaray), a total of 700 + faces)
  • New kits: Atletico, Besiktas, Bielefeld, Hungary, Lyon, Mexico, Nigeria, Romania, Valencia
  • Transfers: 208 transfers done since 3.0
  • Created 69 missing players
  • New scoreboard: Fox Soccer PL
  • Fixed problem with team names in online mode, fixed problem with CL ball
  • + Fixed a lot boots accessories
patch 3.1 pes
boots pes 2013 adidas

  • Added Bundesliga, Primera Division Argentina, Russian Premier League, 2. Bundesliga, Liga Adelante, Npower Championship, Serie B, Ligue 2, Brasileirão Série B
  • Added other teams (Arminia Bielefeld, BATE Borisov, BSC Young Boys, Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, FC Basel, KRC Genk, Metalist Kharkiv, Steaua Bucureşti, Videoton FC Viktoria Plzen + Indonesia, Malaysia)
  • Correct kits for all Premier League, Liga ZON Sagres + all National & Classic Teams
  • Corrected names for unlicensed fake players in ML unlockable National teams and players
  • Faces: More than 700 new faces (all fixed by PESEDIT)
  • Fixed kits for a lot teams Including Barcelona, ​​Manchester United and Sevilla
  • Includes newest DLC 3.0 and game version 1:03
  • Scoreboard and stage switch in selector (download stadiums here)
  • Removed blur
  • Fixed boots + accessories for a lot players (Premier League, Ligue 1, Eredivisie, Serie A, Liga BBVA, Bundesliga and many more)
PESEdit.com PES 2013 Patch Fix 3.1.1
  • fixes a few issues in the database
  • fixes crashes of PESEDIT SELECTOR
File download saya pecah menjadi 4 bagian, download semua part nya (1 -4), kemudian gabungkan (join) menggunakan aplikasi File Splitter & Joiner 3.3
Download PESEdit.com PES 2013 Patch 3.1 :
http://adf.ly/K1caz | http://adf.ly/K1cdc | http://adf.ly/K1cgL | http://adf.ly/K1d1l
Download PESEdit.com PES 2013 Patch FIX 3.1.1 : http://adf.ly/K1dcY

Mirror part 3 : http://adf.ly/KM3pS